
Mark Sutton - 2009 Advanced Photon Source Arthur H. Compton Award

Published: 29 April 2009

Congratulations to Prof. Mark Sutton who will be awarded the 2009 Arthur H. Compton Award! The award is given by the Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne National Laboratory. It will be presented to Prof. Sutton on May 5th in recognition of an important scientific or technical accomplishment at the APS. The award will be presented jointly to Simon Mochrie, Mark Sutton, and Gerhard Grübel "for their pioneering efforts in x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS), which exploits the coherent properties of synchrotron x-rays to study the slow dynamics of condensed matter at short length scales."

Prof. Sutton is Rutherford Professor of Physics in the Physics Department. He has over 25 years of experience as a synchrotron researcher, using high resolution X-rays to probe the time dependence of the structure of materials, at nanometer length scales and with time resolutions of fractions of a second. Prof. Sutton has been involved in the design and construction of experimental facilities at synchrotrons in the United States and is on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Light Source (CLS). He earned his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Toronto.

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