Authors: ǰǴDz, ǰdzܾʰܾ, Michel W. Lander
Publication: Journal of Business Ethics, Forthcoming
Authors: ǰǴDz, ǰdzܾʰܾ, Michel W. Lander
Publication: Journal of Business Ethics, Forthcoming
Authors: Jan Ericsson, Xiao Huang, Stefano Mazzotta
Publication: Journal of Empirical Finance, Volume 38, Part A, September 2016, Pages 1-21
Authors: Saied Samiedaluie, Beste Kucukyazici, Vedat Verter, Dan Zhang
Publication: Operations Journal
Authors: Fahri Karakas and Emine Sarigöllü
Publication: Journal of Business Ethics, Forthcoming
Professor Alfred Jaeger's paper entitled "Institution building and institutional voids: Can Poland’s experience inform Russia and Brazil?", which was published in the International Journal of Emerging Markets with co-authors S. M. Puffer and D. J.
Authors: Sheila M. Puffer, Daniel J McCarthy and Alfred M Jaeger
Publication: International Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2016
A new report co-authored by 71 researchers from across Canada, including Professor of Desautels, examines how Canada could transition to low-carbon energy systems, while remaining globally competitive.
Omar Toulan, Associate Professor in Strategy & Organization was recently appointed to the Editorial Review Board of Academy of Management Review (AMR), one of the top ten most influential and frequently cited management journals.
, Associate Professor in Information Systems was recently appointed Associate Editor of the Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ), a top management journal.
Jingjing Zhang, Assistant Professor in Accounting, was recently awarded a 2017 FRQSC New Academics Grant for her project "Effet d’entraînement réglementaire transfrontalier : impact des réformes du processus de notation aux États-Unis sur la notation des obligations des sociétés canadiennes. / Cross-Border Regulatory Spillover: The Effect of U.S. Credit Rating Reforms on Canada’s Corporate Bond Ratings".
Warut Khern-am-nuai, Assistant Professor in information Systems was recently awarded a 2017 FRQSC New Academics Grant for his project "L’impact du système de questions et réponses sur les plateformes en ligne / The Impact of Questions and Answers on Product Sales”.
Juan Serpa, Assistant Professor in Operations Management was recently awarded a 2017 FRQSC New Academics Grant for his project "Estimation de la relation entre la qualité du produit et la proximité de la chaîne d'approvisement".
This project will study the effect of supply chain proximity on product quality with data from the auto industry. To this end, we merge four independent data sources, collecting
(i) auto part failure rates,
(ii) upstream component factory locations,
Authors: Mohammad E. Nikoofal,
Publication: Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Forthcoming
Authors: Nelson F. Granados, , Dan Zhang
Publication: Production and Operations Management, Forthcoming
Authors: Elena Obukhova & Letian Zhang
Publication: Chinese Sociological Review, Vol. 49, No. 4, 2017