The New Analytics of Culture
Authors: Matthew Corritore, Amir Goldberg, Sameer B. Srivastava
Publication: Harvard Business Review, January-February 2020 Issue
Culture is easy to sense but hard to measure. The workhorses of culture research—employee surveys and questionnaires—are often unreliable.
Evaluation of the allocation performance in a fashion retail chain using data envelopment analysis
Authors: He Huang, Shanling Li & Yu Yu
Publication: The Journal of the Textile Institute, Vol. 110, Issue 6, Pages 901-910, 2019
2019 SSHRC Grants awarded
Congratulations to the Desautels professors who received 2019 SSHRC Grants.
SSHRC Insight Development Grants
Professor Warut Khern-am-nuai awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant
Warut Khern-am-nuai, Assistant Professor in Information Systems, awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant
Professor Juan Camilo Serpa awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant
Juan Camilo Serpa, Associate Professor in Operations Management, awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant
Professor Dongyoung Lee awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant
Dongyoung Lee, Assistant Professor in Accounting, awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant
Professor Emine Sarigollu awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant
Emine Sarigollu, Associate Professor in Marketing, awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant
Professor Paola Perez-Aleman awarded 2019 SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant
Paola Perez-Aleman, Associate Professor in Strategy and Organization, awarded 2019 SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant.
Professor Mehmet Gumus awarded 2019 NSERC Discovery Grant
Mehmet Gumus, Associate Professor in Operations Management was recently awarded a 2019 NSERC Discovery Grant.
Wei Qi awarded 2019 NSERC Discovery Grant
Congratulations to Wei Qi, Assistant Professor in Operations Management, awarded 2019 NSERC Discovery Grant “Towards a Smart-City Future: Urban-Scale Integration of Mobility and Energy Systems”.
Wei Qi awarded 2019 FRQSC New Academics Grant
Congratulations to Wei Qi, Assistant Professor in Operations Management, awarded the 2019 FRQSC New Academics Grant (Soutien à la recherche pour la relève professorale) “Le partage de la mobilité durable dans les villes intelligentes” (“Sharing Sustainable Mobility in Smart Cities”).
Made to break? A taxonomy of business models on product lifetime extension
Authors: Myriam Ertz, Sébastien Leblanc-Proulx, Emine Sarigollu and Vincent Morin
Publication: Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 234, 10 October 2019, Pages 867- 880
Going Public: Debating Matters of Concern As an Imperative for Management Scholars
Authors: Dror Etzion and Joel Gehman
Publication: Academy of Management Review, Volume 44, Issue 2, Pages 480 – 492, April 2019
In this review essay, we assess the shale revolution through the lens of management theory and practice. First, we contend that fracking in America is a textbook example of “good” management. Nonetheless, as we subsequently document, fracking’s influence extends beyond immediate impacts in many social, environmental, and economic spheres, often with negative repercussions. Although management scholars have remained on the sidelines, academics from a variety of other disciplines have actively participated in this debate. We identify several topics where management scholars seem positioned to contribute well-informed opinions on fracking. We close the essay by posing suggestions for what such public engagement might look like. First, we consider the kinds of problems that might lend themselves to public debate. Second, we tackle questions related to the ground rules for such debates, in terms of potential norms. Finally, we differentiate the kinds of public debates we have in mind from other forms of academic relevance. Essentially, we advocate for “going public” as a complement to rigorous and evidence-based academic research.
Management for sustainability
Authors: Dror Etzion
Publication: Nature Sustainability, Volume 1, Issue 12, Pages 744 -749, December 2018
Opaque transparency: How material affordances shape intermediary work
Authors: Miron Avidan, Dror Etzion and Joel Gehman
Publication: Regulation and Governance, Volume 13, Issue 2, Pages 197 - 219, June 2019