鶹AV Desautels Faculty of Management - Nancy Adler's Recent Media Coverage /desautels/channels_item/80 en Nancy J. Adler becomes first Desautels professor to win prestigious 鶹AV Medal /desautels/node/80876 <p>鶹AV recently recognized <a href="/desautels/nancy-j-adler">Nancy J. Adler</a> with the Medal of Exceptional Academic Achievement for her prolific contributions to the University, the Desautels Faculty of Management, and the discipline of global leadership for more than 40 years. </p> <p><a class="button--outline" href="https://reporter.mcgill.ca/nancy-j-adler-first-desautels-prof-to-win-prestigious-mcgill-medal/" target="_blank">Learn more in the <em>鶹AV Reporter</em></a></p> Fri, 11 Jun 2021 16:15:04 +0000 鶹AV Taking time to reflect strengthens leadership /desautels/node/75021 <p><strong><a href="/desautels/nancy-j-adler">Nancy J. Adler</a>,</strong> Professor in Organizational Behaviour and S. Bronfman Chair in Management, advocates for journalism as an effective leadership tool that permits ideas to flow and innovation to thrive. Taking 15 minutes out of your day for journaling supports professional growth, with Professor Adler’s preferred form of journaling by hand due to its meditative qualities.</p> <p><a href="https://www.fastcompany.com/90423383/the-benefits-of-journaling-for-leaders">Read more</a></p> Thu, 31 Oct 2019 14:34:13 +0000 鶹AV Professor Nancy J. Adler receives Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Leadership Association /desautels/node/74907 <p><a href="/desautels/nancy-j-adler">Nancy J. Adler</a>, Professor in Organizational Behaviour and S. Bronfman Chair in Management, will receive the International Leadership Association (ILA)’s prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award in Ottawa later this month.</p> <p>Since 2008, the ILA has conferred its Lifetime Achievement Award upon 37 recipients who have made significant contributions to the field of leadership studies through “prominent published works and their influential support of the body of leadership knowledge and practice.”</p> Mon, 07 Oct 2019 13:38:04 +0000 鶹AV How social innovation in universities will bring on a better business model /desautels/node/67859 <p>A recent <em>Huffington Post</em> article talks about how the old credo of “doing well by doing good” is becoming more integral to business, and quotes Desautels Professor <a href="/desautels/nancy-j-adler"><strong>Nancy Adler</strong></a> that we can no longer “create financially successful companies and an equitable … sustainable world by simply applying yesterday’s approaches to business.” The piece goes on to describe how the Ashoka U initiative is bringing these next-gen business concepts to colleges and universities to light the social-innovation fire at the campu</p> Tue, 19 Sep 2017 13:57:46 +0000 鶹AV Prof. Nancy J. Adler among Top 30 Global Gurus for 2016 /desautels/node/65808 <p>Professor <strong>Nancy J. Adler</strong> has been ranked #29 in the Leadership Professionals category in the 2016 Global Gurus Ranking.</p> Tue, 15 Mar 2016 15:12:28 +0000 鶹AV Reflecteren kun je leren. Het maakt je een betere beslisser /desautels/node/65501 <p>De betere leiders denken na voordat ze handelen, maar ze zien en grijpen kansen terwijl anderen (nog) afwachten. Niet iedereen is echter een geboren leider, maar ze moeten het wel elke dag laten zien op de werkvloer. Volgens de Amerikaanse onderzoeker, auteur en kunstenares <strong>Nancy Adler</strong> ligt de sleutel bij meer reflectie, bij voorkeur met een papieren dagboek. Alleen dan geven we onszelf de tijd om naar onze behoeften te luisteren. Adler heeft deze dagboekmethode bij veel directeuren en managers succesvol geadviseerd. In dit artikel enkele handvatten om te starten.</p> Tue, 26 Jan 2016 14:40:31 +0000 鶹AV Want to Be an Outstanding Leader? Keep a Journal. /desautels/node/65458 <p>Research has documented that outstanding leaders take time to reflect. Their success depends on the ability to access their unique perspective and bring it to their decisions and sense-making every day.</p> <p>..<strong>.Nancy J. Adler</strong> is the S. Bronfman Chair in Management at 鶹AV. She conducts research and consults worldwide on global leadership, cross-cultural management, and arts-inspired leadership practices.</p> Thu, 14 Jan 2016 14:50:09 +0000 鶹AV Nancy Adler among Top 30 Global Gurus for 2015 /desautels/node/63910 <p><i>Professor Nancy J. Adler has been ranked #23 in the leadership professionals category in the 2015 Global Gurus Ranking.</i></p> Fri, 27 Mar 2015 16:41:57 +0000 鶹AV Emotional Power: Coaching For Leaders Who Dare to Care /desautels/node/63709 <p>I have been interviewing CEO’s for my new book on emotional power. I interview those who are at the top of their game to get advice for my new book and for our new <a href="http://www.hr.com//en?i=1116423256281&amp;s=&amp;t=/Default/openExternalURL&amp;url=aHR0cDovL2Nlb3B0aW9ucy5jb20vYnVzaW5lc3MtY29hY2hpbmcv" target="_blank">business coaching</a> certification program.</p> <p>... <strong>“Maybe I will find freedom and happiness after I retire.”</strong></p> Thu, 11 Dec 2014 15:36:38 +0000 鶹AV The Creative Approach Strikes a Chord with Students /desautels/node/62607 <p><span>It started out like any ordinary business school lecture. Jack McCarthy, professor of organisational behaviour at Boston University’s School of Management, talked about the dynamics of high-performing teams using jazz musicians as an example. “In jazz, there are chords and notes but the performance requires improvisation: the musicians play off each other and play off the audience.</span></p> Wed, 02 Apr 2014 19:05:32 +0000 鶹AV World's Top 30 Leadership Professionals for 2014 /desautels/node/62616 <p><em>Professor Nancy J. Adler has been selected as one of the world's top 30 leadership professionals for 2014 by Global Gurus International. </em></p> <p>Nancy J. Adler </p> Wed, 02 Apr 2014 19:59:20 +0000 鶹AV Cross-border Business Teams and the Entertainment Arena /desautels/node/62409 <p>More and more companies are abandoning traditional organisational structures and creating cross-border teams of people who live and work thousands of miles apart.</p> <p>But there’s a catch. <strong>Nancy J Adler</strong>, the S Bronfman Chair in Management at 鶹AV in Montreal, puts it like this: “Interconnectedness through modern technology has deluded many people. There is the false assumption that just because we can reach anyone in the world so easily through e-mail or Skype, we are therefore all the same.”</p> Wed, 29 Jan 2014 15:16:38 +0000 鶹AV Réunions marchées : lève-toi, il faut qu’on parle /desautels/node/62405 <p>Deux ans. C’est le nombre d’années d’espérance de vie que nous gagnerions si nous passions moins de trois heures par jour assis, selon une étude américaine publiée en 2012. Selon les auteurs, la position assise prolongée est aussi néfaste pour la santé que le tabagisme ou l’obésité.</p> Mon, 27 Jan 2014 16:12:42 +0000 鶹AV Leadership: An Interview with Nancy J. Adler, PhD /desautels/node/58919 <p>Kristine Marin Kawamura, PhD, Lead Editor and Interviewer and Riane Eisler, JD and Contributing Editor and Interviewer, interview <strong>Nancy J. Adler</strong>, S. Bronfman Chair in Management at 鶹AV.</p> <p>Read full interview: <a href="/desautels/sites/mcgill.ca.desautels/files/channels/attach/leadership-an_interview_with_nancy_j__adler-ccmgt-_2013pdf.pdf" target="_blank">Cross Cultural Management</a>, 2013</p> Fri, 31 May 2013 20:40:02 +0000 鶹AV Metti un manager al museo /desautels/node/58721 <p>Altro che studenti, turisti o facoltose signore. A far la coda per entrare agli Uffizi o alla Cappella Sistina dovrebbero essere gli industriali. Manager e imprenditori, seduti davanti a Raffaello o a Picasso per prendere familiarità con la strategia più trendy del momento: la bellezza. Se ne parla sulla rivista di economia di Harvard, all "Acadamy of Management”, la Copenaghen Business School ha dedicato al rapporto fra arte e leadership un intero dipartimento.</p> Fri, 26 Apr 2013 15:50:00 +0000 鶹AV Menedzerka V Sloveniji: Dragocenost! /desautels/node/58708 <p>Kaže, da so ženske boljše krizne menedžerke od moških kolegov. Kaj je potem vloga nas, menedžerjev,« je pred leti, ko je priznanje managerka leta prejela Sonja Gole iz Adria Mobila, na odru Managerskega koncerta zastavil vprašanje predsednik koncerta Slobodan Sibinčič. In udeležence nasmejal z ugotovitvijo: »Morda je poslanstvo menedžerjev, da kolegicam ustvarjamo delo, da torej povzročamo krize ...«Prispevek skuša osvetliti odlike slovenskih menedžerk. So te pogumne nosilke vala novega vodenja?</p> Fri, 19 Apr 2013 16:58:49 +0000 鶹AV MOOC-Learning Studio /desautels/node/58630 <p>Professor Nancy Adler held the second Learning Studio with managers who are taking the Leading Strategic Innovation MOOC in Bled, Slovania. <br /><br /><span>Read full article (in Slovenian): <a href="/desautels/sites/mcgill.ca.desautels/files/channels/attach/si21.pdf" target="_blank">Si21</a>, March 20, 2013 <br /></span></p> <p><span>Related article (in Slovenian): <a href="/desautels/sites/mcgill.ca.desautels/files/channels/attach/instore.pdf" target="_blank">InStore</a>, March 20, 2013 </span></p> <p></p> Fri, 22 Mar 2013 17:27:07 +0000 鶹AV Professor Nancy Adler receives Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal /desautels/node/58349 <p>Professor<strong> Nancy Adler</strong> has been awarded a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in February 2013 for her dedication to her peers, her community, and to Canada. This commemorative medal was created to mark the 2012 celebrations of the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's accession to the Throne as Queen of Canada. The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal is a tangible way for Canada to honour Her Majesty for her service to this country. At the same time, it serves to honour significant contributions and achievements by Canadians.</p> Wed, 13 Feb 2013 15:29:27 +0000 鶹AV Professor Nancy Adler Elected Fellow of the International Academy of Management /desautels/node/58403 <p>Professor <strong>Nancy J. Adler</strong> was recently elected as a Fellow of the International Academy of Management for her outstanding contribution to the science and management.</p> Thu, 14 Feb 2013 15:03:31 +0000 鶹AV Professor Nancy Adler honoured by the International Society of Diversity and Inclusion Professionals (ISDIP) /desautels/node/48098 <p>Professor <strong>Nancy Adler</strong> has been selected by the International Society of Diversity and Inclusion Professionals (ISDIP) as an honoree at the Legends of Diversity Dinner. The dinner will take place during the International Society of Diversity and Inclusion Professionals 2nd Annual Conference, August 6-9, 2013 in Montreal. The theme of the conference is “International Insights and Innovation.” Professor Adler will be honoured for her work’s impact on the diversity and inclusion movement across the globe.</p> Mon, 10 Dec 2012 14:55:28 +0000 鶹AV The Art of the MBA /desautels/node/46697 <p>Over the past decade or so it’s become accepted in the business education world that some of the best value that MBA students get from a year or two in the classroom comes not from their chosen school’s academics but from their peers. This is why all of the leading international schools have worked hard to build classes that often look like mini-United Nations, embracing representatives from almost every nationality and ethnicity under the sun.</p> Tue, 04 Dec 2012 15:38:55 +0000 鶹AV Women at business school /desautels/node/45295 <p><strong>Nancy Adler</strong> is an artist and professor at the Desautels Faculty of Management at 鶹AV in Canada. Since joining the school in 1990, she has taught through the medium of art. She now teaches a three-day global leadership course called Redefining Success that encourages MBA students to appreciate beauty and not just financial wealth.</p> <p>Read full article: <a href="http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/9ed52118-33ea-11e2-9ce7-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2DK6sPClZ" target="_blank">Financial Times</a>, November 26, 2012</p> Tue, 27 Nov 2012 22:03:22 +0000 鶹AV