White noise, also known as broadband noise, is a type of noise that contains all the audible frequencies for humans. White noise is often present in our daily environment in the form of radio or...
“But where’s the harm?” we are so often asked. When your baby dies and has to be resuscitated in the emergency room, I’d say the harm has a Vegas-sized neon arrow above it....
There is hardly a week that passes without someone asking my opinion about some video purporting to have found a remedy for some terrible ailment that “Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about.”...
Although I could get straight to the point and tell you about Persian carpets, it’s only fitting to begin with a bit of history about the Persian Empire. Cyrus the Great, who reigned from...
Genghis Khan is more legend than man. We’re not even sure when he was born: historians agree it’s somewhere in the decade that spans 1155 and 1167. That birth has itself been mythologized. Stories...