Hiring Subsidies

For Summer Employment

Federal Government: "Summer Career Placements"

(a component of the Government of Canada's Youth Employment Strategy) is a wage subsidy program that enables public, private and not-for-profit employers to create career-related summer jobs for summer participants.

For Undergraduate Internship Employment

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)’s (previously Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards [IUSRA]) offer Canadian companies access to talented natural sciences and engineering undergraduate students for a work term. This cost-shared program allows students to address company-specific R&D challenges while gaining valuable industrial experience. Experience Awards also let companies identify potential future full-time employees.Ìý Organizations wishing to participate must meet NSERC's eligibility criteria. (It is suggested that employers apply 6-8 weeks before expected start date.)

Federal Government Funding

Student Work-Integrated Learning Program (SWILP)

uses an employer consortia in order to create and deliver work-learning opportunities for students in high demand industries such as science and technology, engineering, math (STEM), and business.

The consortia partners provide wage subsidies to employers that offer quality student work placements and will also help establish partnerships with PSE institutions to recruit students for these placements.

Employers can receive wage subsidies of up to 50 percent of the wage cost for the placement (up to a maximum of $5,000 per placement) or up to 70 percent (up to a maximum of $7,000 per placement) for under-represented students including first-year students, women in STEM, Indigenous students, persons with disabilities and newcomers.

More information is available from the employer groups listed below:


For Graduate-Level Internship Employment

links businesses across the industrial spectrum with university-based expertise — in any faculty or department — through short-term research projects. The conduit between a business and the university is a graduate student — a highly skilled, up-and-coming researcher with fresh ideas and a new perspective. The cost for a four month internship — $15,000 — is shared equally between the company and MITACS, through the support of federal and provincial funding partners.

For Full-Time Employment:

The NRC Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) delivers its under the Youth Employment Strategy and provides small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with financial assistance to hire young talent. In addition to meeting the needs of innovative SMEs, this Program facilitates the transition of highly skilled young people to a rapidly changing labour market.

IRAP provides firms with funding under two different Youth programs: the Youth Employment Program (YEP) and the Youth Employment Program – Green (Youth-Green) program.

The Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) provides an opportunity to recent graduates in science or engineering to gain relevant and meaningful work experiences within their field of studies. Any non-federal government organization (private company, university or college, non-profit organization and provincial or municipal government) can become a partner of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) when it hires an eligible intern to work on research and development projects that are within the mandate of NRCan. Partners can receive a contribution payment for a portion of the intern's salary. The intern is an employee of the partner. The maximum contribution per internship from the Science and Technology Internship Program fund is $13,200 over a maximum of 52 weeks. See How to Apply for more details.



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