
Axis “Governance, institutions, and citizen participation”


Éric BĂ©langer

Associate member


Professor, Department of Political Science (Âé¶čAV)

Research interests

Quebec politics;ÌęCanadian politics; public opinion; voting behaviour; political parties


Contact information

3610, McTavish St.
Office 26-3
Montreal (Quebec), Canada
H3A 1Y2

> Webpage




Ongoing projects

  • "Generational Change and Its Impact on the Political Dynamics of Quebec and Canada" (principal investigator, 2018-2022)
  • "Centre pour l'Ă©tude de la citoyennetĂ© dĂ©mocratique"Ìę(co-researcher, 2017-2023)
  • "Étude de l'effet des enjeux Ă©conomiques sur les opinions et les comportements politiques en dĂ©mocratie" (co-researcher, 2017-2021)
  • "The Canadian Municipal Election Study" (co-researcher, 2017-2021)


Selected publications

BĂ©langer, Éric, Richard Nadeau, Ailsa Henderson and Eve Hepburn.ÌęThe National Question and Electoral Politics in Quebec and Scotland, MontrĂ©al, Âé¶čAV-Queen’s University Press, 2018, 292 pages.

Nadeau, Richard, Éric BĂ©langer, Michael S. Lewis-Beck, Mathieu Turgeon and François GĂ©lineau.ÌęLatin American Elections: Choice and Change, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2017, 239 pages.

Bastien, FrĂ©dĂ©rick, Éric BĂ©langer and François GĂ©lineau (eds.).ÌęLes QuĂ©bĂ©cois aux urnes : les partis, les mĂ©dias et les citoyens en campagne, MontrĂ©al, Presses de l’UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al, coll. “ParamĂštres,” 2013, 242 pages.

Lewis-Beck, Michael S., Richard Nadeau and Éric BĂ©langer.ÌęFrench Presidential Elections, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, collection “French Politics, Society and Culture,” 2012, 256 pages.

BĂ©langer, Éric and Richard Nadeau.ÌęLe comportement Ă©lectoral des QuĂ©bĂ©cois, MontrĂ©al, Presses de l’UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al, coll. “ParamĂštres,” 2009, 176 pages.

BĂ©langer, Éric and Bonnie M. Meguid. “Issue Salience, Issue Ownership, and Issue-Based Vote Choice,”ÌęElectoral Studies, vol. 27, n° 3, septembre 2008, p. 477-491.


Recent publications

BĂ©langer, Éric, Jean-François Daoust, ValĂ©rie-Anne MahĂ©o, et Richard Nadeau (2022). Le nouvel Ă©lecteur quĂ©bĂ©cois. MontrĂ©al: Presses de l’UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al.

BĂ©langer, Éric, et Jean-François Godbout (2022). “Les clivages politiques et le systĂšme partisan du QuĂ©bec au 21e siĂšcle.” Recherches sociographiques, 63 (1-2): 27 55

Bélanger Éric, et al.ÌęVoting in Quebec Municipal Elections: A Tale of Two Cities. University of Toronto Press, 2022.Ìę

Ece Özlem Atikcan, Richard Nadeau, et Éric BĂ©langer (2020). Framing Risky Choices: Brexit and the Dynamics of High-Stakes Referendums. Montreal: Âé¶čAV-Queen's University Press, 244 pages.

Éric BĂ©langer et Jean-François Daoust, dir. (2020). Special Issue: Making Sense of the Quebec 2018 Election. French Politics, 18 (3): 213-313.

Éric BĂ©langer et ValĂ©rie-Anne MahĂ©o (2020). “Le Parti quĂ©bĂ©cois dans le nouveau systĂšme multipartite: Ă©volution des appuis gĂ©nĂ©rationnels au PQ de 2007 Ă  2018.” Politique et SociĂ©tĂ©s, 39 (3): 19-55.

ValĂ©rie-Anne MahĂ©o et Éric BĂ©langer (2020). “Lowering the Voting Age to 16? A Comparative Study on the Political Competence and Engagement of Underage and Adult Youth.” Canadian Journal of Political Science, 53 (3): 596-617.

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